
what you're currently reading is the beginning of my dream log. this is here simply to record my mind, letting me look back on the state of my unconcious, i suppose. for a little introduction, my name is io! i named myself after the moon of jupiter, quite dear to me after reading the very pulse of the machine. i'm sixteen, born april eleventh, and i'm a fan of creatives and all things horror. i loove my girlfriend raelyn, bird / flower language, and my precious oc oliver keirik. i would say i'm quite a joyous soul, although i cannot be sure that my logs here will reflect that. despite that, i hope anyone listening can enjoy what is birthed of my sleeping mind.

update: i began this log on the eighteenth of june or around there, but as of the twenty-ninth, i have decided to go find old dreams i logged in DMs or such, and add them for laughs

twelfth of september ; 2021

i had a dream last night where my dog ran out into the street and there was a school bus coming really quickly and my dog ran out of the way but i was gonna get hit by the school bus but then since all my dreams somehow add in hypmic samatoki magically appeared and saved me from the school bus :D and then he kissed me i write about my dreams a lot so i remember a bunch of them FBDFBFBFB i remember once some guy in a really fancy car drove right into me and i just got like knocked back and i couldnt breathe and he came up to me and was like "what the fuck??? this is a brand new car whyd you hit it???!?! im gonna sue you!!" and the dream ended

fifteenth of november ; 2021

i met my friend ace irl and she had a shit ton of erasers...

second of february ; 2022

i went to sleep like an hour ago & had a real weird dream where i was trying to brush my teeth & i found out i had like,, scraped all the enamel off my bottom teeth... so it felt so weird to brush them idk

fourth of february ; 2022

i woke up at like 9:30 earlier, & i was super freaked out cuz i had this weird ass dream where part of my wall just kinda,, fell out??? & there were bugs crawling out... so, i was scared & went down to tell my mother who was sitting outside, & theres a few random bugs here & there but in my dream it was summer so bugs arent unusual... so we were just kinda talking about what may have happened to the wall.... when i look at my hand, & theres a bug! one of the ones that were crawling out of my wall... & obviously i swat at it & smack it, but it wouldnt get off... & then i realized it was digging into my skin as if it wanted to like.. get in... so i screamed & ripped it off (along w my skin) and threw it down & stomped on it, but then i realized they were ALL OVER ME digging into my skin and then . i woke up in the middle of saying "get them off!!" super loudly so when i tried to yell "...em off!!" irl i just ended up coughing a bunch & killing my throat

eighteenth of february ; 2022

i had a dream last night where i had to make scrambled eggs for the guys who survived the war & so it was going alright at first i started the pan & put eggs in & started scrambling them but then i realized the pan was on the counter? & i moved it a lil then kept working & once i was done i tried to lift up the pan but it had gotten so hot that it fused to the counter & the handle broke off when i pulled. & THE EGGS WERE FINE like.. everything was getting ruined but the eggs were just chilling. not burned at all

sixth of november ; 2022

last night i had a dream that i woke up at 7am & one of my earring backings were missing so i got upset & went back to sleep and see this may sound like it wasn't a dream & actually happened but when i actually woke up both of my earring backings were still on...

fourth of february ; 2023

i had a dream that i accidentally wiped all my saves for zeno & cried

eighteenth of march ; 2023

i had a dream that i was in the BATHROOM when an intruder came in so i had nowhere to hide and the LIGHTS WPULDNT TURN OFF!! all i could do was just sit there & hope for the best

twenty-ninth of april ; 2023

i just remembered i dreamed about qi rong last night. it was so bad i dreamed that i was like walking through the panels of the chapter he appears in trying to find the best angles to take screenshots

twenty-eighth of may ; 2023

BUT YOUR MIND MAKES YOU HALLUCINATE INTO FEELING FLESH!!! i had a dream about it actually. & in the dream i was frantically sending you pictures of this random person and being like IS THIS GUY REAL!! DO YOU SEE SOMEONE HERE!!! and you were like "yes??" and then i was freaking out thinking your messages were just getting distorted :( like when kdj was a squid yk

sixth of june ; 2023

i think i had a dream actually i just rememebered. i cant rememebr all the details but like im 90% sure i blasted men whimpering all over thr entire world it was pretty sick but then like the authorities were like "you can't do yhat" and i was on the run and the n i. woke up

fifteenth of june ; 2023

i had the best dream ever. i was reading this random thing that was like. orv oneshots but they were all chibis and it was so adorable it was kind of in the style of Aoi-chan Is Going to Eat ChocoMint No Matter What but its so sad because i can never read that again now :((

twenty-fifth of june ; 2023

i just dreamed about fling posse going to war. that was mildly traumatizing THEY USED GUNS.... isn't that strange... gentaro was a sniper.. but he shot a man from like 2 feet away... dice was like "oh the random man coming up behind us? nah he's probably on our side" and gentaro went to check and they were pouring milk in a bin?? but apparently that was a bomb so he shot the dude and then another dude came up and started pouring flour or something in and gentaro shot him like 5 times but he was still alive and was about to shoot gentaro but then gentaro somehow shot him in the head through the helmet and dice was like "well shit, we should get out of here" and they left and. that was that. i don't even know if ramuda was there tbh maybe it was just gendice

thirtieth of june ; 2023

oh my hggosd i just had the most terrifying dream of my life like. oh my god i thought it was real i am on the verge of tears. if it was real i dont think i'd be able to go on with life i think i'd kill myself i dreamed about this bug and like. okay so i was sitting in the gym at school after like. okay so i. me & sampl had to get chairs from the librar y for ms vaessen and so we did that and then we had a liturgy so we were heading down there and then we had to walk all the way around to get to our class which wa s sitting on the side of the gym and we sat down and then on the ground i saw this weird little bug and so i tried to step on it but it didnt die and then it climbed onto me and immediately like burrowed into my skin i managed to get it off though and then it went onto sampl but they got it off too and they were like really calm while i was freaking the fuck out and thne the bug crawled onto this girl from another class sitting in front of us and climbed onto her back and i was like whisper screaming to her (since we were in the middle of a liturgy or something) and she just kinda ignored me so it burrowed into her back and then she started like crying out in pain and we were trying to get the attention of teachers or something and when a teacher finally came over they thought we were lying about a bug burrowing into her so they lifted up her shirt and there was a little hole like right beside her spine about the size of a pencil eraser but really deep and so obviously girl gets rushed away to have tests done on her and whatever and then it turns out the bug like. put really deadly cancer cells or something inside of her and she probably wouldnt make it, it was so severe that they had no way of saving her and the bug couldnt be located in her body so they couldnt examine it to warn anyone or anything so anyways fast forward to the next day or something i'm at home in my room sitting at my desk and i was just gonna draw or something but i was like so disgusted and scared that i couldnt so i got up from my desk and turn around and i see a familiar little bug crawling on the stool beside my bed so i like. tried to stay calm and i ran downstairs and grabbed my shoes and put those on but when i tried to step on it of course it didn t work again and it started flying and i was so fucking scared i grabbed my phone and ran and it was like. following me so i ran into my parents' bedroom (terrible mistake because i ran into their washroom which is a long hallway with one exit basically) and i facetimed my mom and started crying to her about it (but for some reason left out the detail that there was. one in my house???) and i stayed in their closet for a few minutes crying to her about it before finally running out of the bathroom and downstairs to the living room and i was crying to her saying like i dont think i can like . live anymore / this fear is going to take over my life etc etc and she was just like "well, you have to get over it & live your life" or whatever and thats where the dream ended lol....

third of july ; 2023

i dreamed about a mouse. there were lots of people in this dream but i can't remember exactly who but one wanted to kill some little mouse who came over to us and fuckinf kicked it really hard so it went running away and i was like "why would you do that what the fuck!!" so i went back over to where the mouse came from and i brought it back or something but then it started like climbing onto me so i got freaked out & started trying to like. lightly kick it away but it kept coming back...oh also it could walk on water. tbh i thought it was a rat but someone in the dream told me it was a mouse so...also the dream wasn't like mainly about a mouse like lots of other stuff happened before that but i. only remember the mouse

seventh of july ; 2023

i dreamed about cam telling me about his family in in a pony game. he was telling me about his child! we were sitting in some random big ass change room and out of nowhere he was like "alexis left me to take care of sparkle cloud all by myself!!!" alexis is his.. ex girlfriend... it was literally just. sitting in some boring ass change room listening to him describe this like god... dreams can be so exciting yet i get stuck in a change room... i know there was more to the family but i only remember sparkle cloud and laser beam

twenty-second of july ; 2023

there was like this program where they could basically bring dogs back to life with identical looks & personality to the original & so my family did it to surprise my mom but when they brought her home she came up to me & i started crying & hugging her a bunch :( and i could actually feel her & she felt exactly how i remembered & everything

twenty-third of july ; 2023

first i was in some random river w some random ppl and then these weird mermaid things were attacking us so we had to run away or smth and then i dont remember what we did but we got the mermaids onto dry land or smth and then they converted into homeless ppl with no feet & came into my backyard & there was a bunch of ppl in my backyard bc it was my mom's bday in the dream (her bday is in september..) so then the homeless ppl were tyring to go in the pool (bc they were mermaids probably..) and so i was spraying them w a house bc they were really dirty & i didnt want the pool getting dirty (my only concern) and then out of nowhere my old dog came out & came right up to me & i started freaking out & petting her & my grandpa and my mom were talking abt how some lab made an identical clone & they did it w lots of dogs & then i woke up

twenty-seventh of july ; 2023

last night i dreamed that me & cam were in this really cool convenience store with lots of cat plushies & stuff & we were buying a ton of stuff but the total was like $8 and the cashier was like "you sure you wanna spend that much?? that's a lot" and we were like "it's not even $10 man :(" oh and also apparently we stayed past the kids time or something because the dude was like "can i see your bus passes? it's past 10 you know" and we were like "we don't have any..??" and he was like "ah, fine, i'll let it slide this one time but i won't say sorry!!" and it was very confusing but. then out of nowhere this guy cam had a crush on in 1st grade appeared and started talking to us all casually and we were like "uh.. hi :(" and he kept talking and he was way shorter than he actually is but then this dude from my class appeared and was all awkward & ran away (he is not like that irl :( ) and so the dude who was talking with us was eith him apparently so he left and then we got our stuff and left Nd then turns out we all had to walk the same way to get home so they kept like running away and stuff but eventually we were all talking and stuff and then out of nowhere my dream turned into a mincecrsft world and my bedroom was normal but everywhere else was minecraft and that dude thst cam had a crush on just started blowing everything up :( i was so sad he even messed up my room :( and then my dream ended

thirty-first of july ; 2023

oh yeah last night i dreamed about going to prison. it was a pretty laid back prison!! i got to text ace like once a day :(( and i was watching youtube. youtube videos that. dont actually exist... like i was hearing an octavia cover that doesn't exist :(( because i was practicing for a singing competition or something so i had to find the perfect song :(( i don't think i was in prison anymore at that point though...

fourteenth of august ; 2023

i dreamed about three cats stacked on top of each other sleeping. when i realized i didn't have the pictures when i woke up i was really sad

fifth of september ; 2023

i had that dream before. i dont know what but i know ive had it before. we kept having to like tie doors with string to keep monsters out? and we kept going further down the floors of this place? and then on one floor there was this old mute woman and her daughters or something and we were asking her "can we borrow some string to tie the doors? otherwise those things are going to get you" and she kept just like smiling and shook her head so we just kinda went down to the next floor & we were staying there for a while and like we would just kinda leave for years at a time to go do shit and then occasionally come back to see each othe. oh btw 'we' was me and my brother and my dad. and i remember texting ace a few times. and at some point i was on a ship with no railings. just a bunch of preppy rich shits who believed the whole monster/virus thing was a myth despite it being. EVERYWHERE. and then eventually this other boat came up beside us and there were people like hanging off it and yelling to us for help and the captain was gonna let them on but i was like "no what the fuck they obviously have been attacked we cant risk bringing any of that shit on here" but they still did anyways and everyone was getting attacked and thrown off the boat (no railings... lol....) and i was hiding but then eventually this hot woman who kind of looked like ryoshu from limbus pulled up on another boat and killed all the monsters and yk i kept hiding cause ididnt know if she'd just kill me or what but she found me and after threatening me for a while she let me come with them :(( on their boat with railings!!! :(( and after travellign for some years i wanted to go home so hot lady was like "good luck out there. if you ever need help, be sure to find me." (youre always travelling at sea girlie how do i find you :(( ) and then i went home and since the level we were now staying on was the first one underground i went through the door on the floor with the old woman on it cause idk why not i didnt wanna go through creepy underground stairs. anyways i walked into a mini bloodbath :( the two daughters were pretty badly mangled and the old woman's like. head looked like someone burned a big hole into it but she was still fucking smiling :( anyways thats all i remember it was cool

fourteenth of september ; 2023

last night i dreamed that cam and me went to a bookstore that looked really run down but inside it was super luxurious and i was like "shit i have like $10" and he was like "dw i have money :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:" and also his dad was there but just kinda walked off. and nobody mentioned it. and there was like a waterfall in the middle so we didnt even buy anything we just stared at the waterfall

twenty-third of september ; 2023

i had a dream last night about vivid bad squad's new outfits & in my dream an's stars in her hair were gone and i cried

twenty-seventh of october ; 2023

i had a dream where i had to relive yesterday, but it wasnt the yesterday i actually experienced yesterday. so cam was gone all day but nobody brought it up or anything & i was just talking w this one friend of mine and . making noodles? at school? .. and then at like 4:06 i was like "hey, lets go, the bus should be here any min" (the bus at school arrives at like 3:05) and so my friend started running & we had to cross a street for some reason? a large busy street & so he started running across at some random busy point & not at a crosswalk or anything but got across fine & this other dude i dont like was also running over & he went over no problem & even though i was like basically right behind him i almost got hit by a car & was really shaken up but i got on the bus but then my friend sat with the dude neither of us like, & so i turned on music & sat alone & checked my phone & thats when i was like "hm, it's not today" and like actually got chills and then i was gonna nap but i could see the dude i dont like staring at me the whole time

seventh of november ; 2023

so i was like watching some dogs at my house & suddenly i heard lots of barking outside so i go to the backyard to check & there's some random lady who let herself in through the side gate so i was like "uh... hi??" and she was being all nice and stuff so eventually i was like "do i know you? why are you in here" and she was like "just came to say hi haha i'll leave!" and went out while i had to hold back all the dogs . so then i let one dog inside and started cleaning up the backyard & i had some trash bags that i brought inside & then was like "wait, these go outside whyd i bring them here haha" but as im collecting them again to go back outside i heard a sound upstairs? so I look to my side & the one dog i let inside is still downstairs so there's no dog upstairs, im a lil freaked out so i go upstairs (with the trash bags..) & go into my parents room, can clearly hear some rustling around.. so i called out "hello?" and the sound stopped . i went further into their bathroom & was like "are you the same lady from before?' and i hear "yes..." and i was like "please come out" so she does and tries to act all nice as im struggling to reach in my pocket for my phone to call the police & i got her full name it was like laureen tease or somethinf i just remember her last name being tease cause it was weird considering the circumstances but erm so i walk her to the front door and at this point i think i contacted the police bc they did show up after a few minutes but then everything in my dream got really jumbled fucking Spiderman came out of nowhere & the police arrested Spiderman and then the woman started rubbing hand cream on his hand

third of december ; 2023

last night i dreamed that me, rae, seth, and aaron went to a waterpark and like woww funn but then i had to piss. so we all went to the bathroom (including seth the cis male yes) and i went into a stall and the stall had 2 doors & like 15 locks but it wouldn't stay locked. people kept walking in. so out of nowhere seth appeared in the same stall as me and he was in a bonnie suit and i told him to sit in front of the door to keep it shut so he did that but cam& aaron were in the stall beside ours and cam also was in a bonnie suit and he leaned down and looked under the gap between the wall and the floor at me and it was soo creepy and then he started banging on the door and coconut was trying soo hard to keep it shut meanwhile i couldn't piss out of fear so i was just kinda sitting there watching it all happen. okay and then the dream turned into like a 16bit video game where i was like watching from an outside pov and it was in this bathroom filled with students of both genders and they were all using urinals and so i had to piss but i was holding a baseball bat and the button to piss and hit people was the same so i kept accidentally killing people when i was trying to piss and the teacher couldn't see cause there was a wall in the middle so i kept just murdering students and then murdering whoever tried to fight me just because i had to piss.

tenth of december ; 2023

last night i dreamed that cam started dating one of our other friends and i cried and felt like throwng up and. in the dream when i tried to hold his hand he wouldnt let me since he was dating someone and . i think i might actually love him. this dream is ruining me i dont want anyone to ruin what we have already

2024-07-04 : yeah so. We started dating shortly after that dream i asked over text while we were playing pet simulator 99 on roblox and we have been happily in love ever since

eighteenth of december ; 2023


twentieth of december ; 2023

i lived in an apartment and i woke up and went out of the apartment to get a coffee and the coffee shop was around the corner and down the street and it was really sunny out and i was like in a really stuffy brown suit and i went to the coffee shop and got in line and there were 2 or 3 people ahead of me. and then this tall blonde guy walks in and starts cheerfully chatting with everyone around us and greeted me and i just kinda ignored him . i got my coffee and had a small chat with someone and then i went to leave. the dude left a minute after me and i started walking back to my apartment and he turned the other way
before i made it back to my apartment i suddenly found myself waking up again, walking out of my apartment and going to get a coffee. two or three people were in line ahead of me. tall blonde guy walks in, cheerfully greets everyone. he greets me, i stare at him. say nothing, get my coffee, leave. he leaves a moment after, turns the other way.
the day repeats again, now im very aware of it. so, what do i do? go get a coffee, of course! i walked slower, i checked my surroundings the whole time. when i got there, two people were in line, one being the tall blonde man. i had stalled, but the other events had continued. he greeted me when i walked in, i said hi. i listened in on his conversations, unable to hear exactly what was being said and yet i was sure the dialogue was different than it had been the previous days. i got my coffee, and made my way out, stopping outside the door. the blonde man left a few seconds later. as soon as he turned the corner down the street, the day reset.
i dont know how i knew, but i was sure he was linked to this day resetting. so, this time, i stopped to have a conversation with him. we talked for almost fifteen minutes, getting to know each other. -- he never told me his name.
he told me he had to go. the day reset.
it went on a few more times, each day i asked different questions, learned more about him, tried so desperately to find a slip up indicating that he was causing this. eventually, i decided my best bet was to follow him.
after he got a coffee, he went to work. if i followed him, the day didnt reset. work ended, and he went out back for a smoke break. he stood in a sketchy, half boarded up area behind a dumpster (a reoccurring area in my dreams) with a cigarette in hand. he talked with a few of the people with him. nothing important, nothing joyful, either. despite how cheerful he was in the coffee shop, here, he was a monotone, lifeless man. i was too scared to approach. i turned to leave. the day reset.
he was beginning to act strange, in the coffee shop. as if he was almost sure he knew me, yet couldnt figure out why. as if he was almost accessing his memories from these repeating days. i convinced him he didnt know me, that day. when he left, i felt my stomach turn. i couldnt follow him. the day reset.
he started to act a little more buddy buddy with me, a few days after that. when he came into the coffee shop, he would come right to me. he still greeted everyone, yet i was the only one he stopped to chat with. i decided to follow him again. he went to work, and then to the dumpster. he smoked through three cigarettes before all of his coworkers departed, leaving him alone. seeing an opportunity, i stepped in to talk with him. i acted like it was a funny coincidence, meeting him here. i could have sworn i heard a 'but, you never..' or something along those lines, but brushed it off. he didnt remember this day anyways, right?
we talked for a while, and soon the sky was dark. i wondered if this was it, if it would stop repeating. he checked the time, and told me he had somewhere he needed to be. my head started to throb. the day reset.
for a few days after that, i let him leave after we chatted behind the dumpster. i learned some more about him, tried to relax. something really wasnt feeling right. i knew i couldnt let him go when he told me there was somewhere he needed to be. but… how could i really stop him? he felt like my best friend, at this point. i knew everything about him, told him everything about me. but he couldnt remember any of it, so what was the point?
i felt like giving up. i decided that i would forcibly keep him if needed, but i was not going to let him leave again. i needed to move on. i had a life to live. so, that night, behind the dumpster, he checked his phone as always. 'Ah, shit. I've got somewhere to be right about now. I will uh, catch you later?' with that dopey grin.
i stared at him. i told him to stay. i told him i needed him to stay.
he was confused, of course. he said it was an important meeting, he couldn't miss it. he took a step, and i grabbed his hand. pleaded with him. even so, he walked away.

i followed him, once again.
he didnt walk for long before standing in front of a mansion. the gate was wide open, and he walked right in. i followed not far behind, making sure nobody spotted me.

a woman in a striking red dress met him in the main hall. they shook hands. they talked.
a disagreement arose. it was all a blur. a gun was drawn. his head hit the floor in seconds.
the day repeated five times before i got out of bed again. i felt sick.
that was why the day was repeating. that was why i couldnt let him go.
when we finally met again at the coffee shop, his behavior was even stranger than before. he seemed so close to remembering everything. he even knew things about me i had only told him during the lost repeating days, that he wouldnt have known if his memory was normal.
i met him behind the dumpster again. we chatted. he had to go.
i grabbed his hand once again. my nails dug into his skin. he couldnt go. this couldnt happen again.
he seemed to trust me, this time. though, with reluctance. we walked back the the coffee shop. the world was crumbling behind us. he was remembering, too. he didnt seem very shocked, though. we chatted as we normally did, ordering our usual coffees. sitting at a table, the walls around us collapsed. we laughed, talked, shared secrets, until all that was left was the table we sat at. after his laughter died down, he looked at me, a soft expression on his face.
'You never told me your name.'
I snickered. 'Neither did you.'
'Well, I am-'
i woke up.
my usual brown suit hung in the closet. i put it on, and took a walk over to the coffee shop.
two or three people stood in line. i counted change as i waited to order.
a tall blonde man walked in.
why did he look so familiar?
i got my usual, and turned to leave. the blonde man left a moment later.
we walked our opposite ways. i caught a taxi to work.
a blonde man sat alone on a busy train, holding an empty briefcase. his chest was aching. he couldnt remember why.
he felt like he was forgetting something important. something he never should have let slip his mind.
he watched as a taxi drove by the window, the vibrant yellow pulling him from his thoughts.
well, never mind it now.
all ended well, didn't it?

2024-07-04 : i still remember this dream crystal clear, to this day. when i first remembered it during class, i began to cry- i cried a lot, and my friends didn't understand why. they laughed when i told them it was a dream. later on, my friend vin told me something quite interesting; [a small detail about the dream that ive never really added, mostly out of confusion- when i watched him leave on the train, 'bad ending' was displayed over it. however, when i dream about video games, im usually very aware of it being a game? so this was really strange.. but also quite upsetting! because it implies i truly could have done something else? but i'll never get a chance, because it was a dream... ouugh]- that is the paragraph i sent to vin, and they responded with [what if the 'good ending' wouldve been that you remembered and learned the name of the man; he still met his fate but you knew who he was. the day stopped repeating, and you knew that he was gone for good this time. but you remembered him. you held on to the memory of your very best friend, the person you knew more than anyone else, for the rest of your life.]

i think about that a lot. it makes sense, but it is so very tragic. the most heart wrenching and vivid dream i've had to date, for sure.

sixteenth of january ; 2024

last night i had a dream where i was some dude who committed a crime so i wanted to flee the country but i was kinda a spoiled rich kid. and after trying to flee the country i got cold so i went back to my dad's giant ass million dollar ship and asked him for hot chocolate & he HATED my ass fr but i got my hot chocolate & everything & while he slept i moved him onto a balcony bc i wanted his room and when he woke up a giant wave went past & he got drenched. lol ! also i rmemeber complaining abt water parachutes and that the maids were working for us for so long they probably despawned

tenth of february ; 2024

i had a dream where cam broke up with me and i was so sad. and also my yelled at me in the dream bc he was fucking miming and i couldnt understand him and then i chased some girl up like 50 flights of stairs & riot & barry were chasing me for some reason and then the girl disappeared and i was alone on the roof and i went through some random door& was watching this whole like movie version of hello charlotte & then i got through the whole thing & found the girl in front of some clock in some dark ass room & she asked if i wanted to go out with her ahnd then i realized it was fucking ANRI WARHOL!!! so i was like yeah

fifteenth of february ; 2024

OMG I JUST REMEMBERED WHAT I DREAMED ABOUT!! i tried to get 2 trigun books but then i lost them and then 2 ppl ive seen on the bus before but never talked to tried to get 2 new ones but the lava made them respawn without them & my mony was gone so we were fighting with this homeless dude sitting in my garden to get them back and he was really angry abt it & didnt believe abt the lava & eventually i got 2 copies back but i was still upset abt losing my other like $20 so i went to this front desk place & 2 alien things wouldnt gimme back the money but then some cute ass tall alien-ish lookin dude came up & gave me back the money & also the room w the books was past this train track & i kept getting hit bc the door jammed a lot it was such a strange fever dream

sixteenth of february ; 2024


second of march ; 2024

last night i had a dream where toya pjsk was my cousin? so i messaged my friend kiyo and i was like "i think u'd like my cousin"

sixteenth of march ; 2024

ive been a lil stressed all morning cause last night i had a dream where i brought my old dog back to life but i was constantly stressed that she would leave again & i was trying so hard to keep her alive but there wasnt really anything i could do & i tried to just ignore the fact that she was gonna leave again & but it had me so stressed out

seventeenth of march ; 2024

i dreamed that i cussed out a friend for mischaracterizing yjh

nineteenth of april ; 2024

I DREAMED THAT I BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF SOME RANDOM KID IN AN ALLEYWAY BECAUSE HE SWIPED $20 BUCKS THAT MY BROTHER LEFT ON THE TABLE (we were in some random ass town & my parents told us to explore & i went over to this giant gift shop & there was the cutest honami doll) such a weird dream ?? there was more to it too like at one point i was microwaving mac n cheese & i accidentally put it in for 3 extra cycles of 5 minutes & was panicking so i had to slam the wall behind the microwave until the mac & cheese came flying out & when i looked back it transformed into a sideways toaster...

twenty-third of may ; 2024


twentieth of june ; 2024 - recordings of the nineteenth

fuck, FUCK! okay. 12:16 AM on the twentieth, and my dreams from yesterday are FINALLY coming back to me.

i had quite a few scrambled dreams. i dont know how many, i barely know where one ended and the next started. i think i felt fear, a lot. i wrote this one excerpt when i woke up yesterday, but didn't have a chance to add it to here, cause i did end up sleeping again, till 2PM... so i waited to record anything until i remembered more dreams. i genuinely remembered this one in live time, here we go: hey. its just about 5 AM, i woke up bout an hour ago but i can't fall back asleep... bah!! my dream is a little fuzzy.. wait, it's coming back to me. i was hanging out with my brother, we were getting ready to move, i think. [for context, im moving in just over a week, i keep dreaming about it..] the house layout was fucked up though, there was some weird front closet on a floor that doesn't exist in my house. a bunch of my dad's stuff was in the closet, even though he doesn't live with us. i brought it up to my room, and couldn't shake the thought that it was there because my mom was hiding it from me. i also remember seeing school IDs, belonging to me and my brother. they were weird though, the design was super like... weirdcore, i guess. it all was, really. i also remember walking out the back door, thinking about this site. specifically, i was considering adding a function for people to comment- but in my mind, i was not thinking of people commenting. it was weird. was i was seeing in my mind was an all-white page, with nothing but a comment box. anyways, i can't remember much more of note... i suppose i'll edit this later on if anything else comes to me ^_^ i wouldn't say that was a very strange dream though, despite the chocolate i ate.. hm. maybe i'll try again tonight.

okay, now, onto the dreams i just began to remember now. well, see, the strange thing about my dreams is i can always see them, lingering in my mind, but it takes a while before i fully recognize them as 1. existing, and 2. being dreams. also, i know there was more than this, i just know it. however, i'm only recording what i'm 100% sure was dreams, u know?

we were walking down a road. me, fetti, and rae. it was a main street, but we took a side path, and ended up in a weird hedgey area. i opened a gate, there was a sign above it but i cant remember exactly what it said. soon as i walked through, me and rae started arguing about something. related to the sign, i know that, but i cant remember what. we kept walking down the hedge-lined path, and gate after gate we opened, each with a sign above it, and we'd begin to argue. the argument was like... directly related to the question which had been above the gate. like, we werent arguing ABOUT the sign, it was more like the sign was narrating our little walk. we went through this huge path, and eventually rae said shit that really hurt me. i know it was related to the stuff i've been stressing about recently, about rae not feeling included when me & fetti are both around. rae is always my top priority, so that shit makes me sad. i guess it made its way into my dream, too. eventually we opened the last gate- no, this one was a door. we were in our school, now. we walked down the hall, arguments suddenly ceased. we said sorry, made up. fetti & rae sat in a little desked area of the hall [which by the way, does NOT exist in our school, despite the setting very obviously being our school] and i went to the bathroom. the bathroom was weird, it was a toilet, two school desks, and a hairdrying station..? anyways, i sat down to take a piss i guess, listening to two girls at the desks talk about school. some teacher walked in, scolded them, i cant remember what she was saying. i got up, pulled a notebook/binder out of god knows where, & the girl said she needed it. it was covered in drawings of oli & data [my ocs!] and one girl mentioned them, but i said it wasnt important anymore. that i got a proper notebook, i didnt have to draw them on a binder cover anymore.

i cant remember much more of that dream, other than saying hi to a teacher i passed in the halls who i very much hate. also at some point we entered a different door, ended up in the cafeteria of our old school, my ta from my current school greeted us, we left through the other side... a bus, we were on a bus at some point. the 153, im sure, cause it stopped in front of the elementary right near my house, and i got off. i walked home, & was eating lunch, i think. then i got my dog, i guess i had some more classes to attend... at the elementary? [my old OLD school, btw.] but as i walked over, the kids attending there were leaving, including my brother. he told me he could walk the dog home, & left with some friends.

cut to some other point, i was in my garage. fuck, this was trippy. i think fetti & rae were there, maybe my brother too. i opened one garage door, the one you can close with a number pad. as soon as i got out, i turned to close it, but the other door was open? my brother [i think?] ran in, saying "wait wait!"- i think he forgot something. then, for some reason, he opened the other garage door back up. they were both open again, now. some random dog ran in, i think. [this part... is really fuzzy.] there was a really fuzzy dog- a samoyed, i think? and for some reason i knew it belonged to my twitter mutual, ren. [who i have never met irl btw- and he has a cat, not a dog?] then another dog ran in, a mean dog. cant remember the type, just a really scary looking dog, baring its teeth at me. it was chasing me, the garage was so much bigger than it should have been. the samoyed started blocking its way, and people were gathering outside, and the sky was dark. there were a lot of cars, despite my neighborhood usually being quite empty. i was scared. a man ran up, a weird looking man. he grabbed the scary dog, threw it out. i was trying to close the garages, it wasnt working. i wasnt nearly as scared of the dog as i was of that man, i dont know why. i was asking him questions, i think. he said something about another dog. another dog, where? he pointed to behind a car across the street. he said he injected it with... something. i cant remember what he said. i know it was no good, poison of some sort. we started rounding up all the dogs- i dont know who, at this point. my parents werent there, nor were my friends. some older teens were there, i know one was that twitter mutual i mentioned earlier. all the dogs got loaded in a car, a few people hopped in. while driving, the dream ended.

i think that's all. i might add another update if any more comes back to me, but there's 20 minutes till 1 AM and i'm going to school tomorrow, so i'd like to get some rest... see you next time i dream- to this site, and anyone who might be listening.

twenty-second of june ; 2024 - recordings of the twenty-first

UFCKFUCK okay OKAY nevermind 1AM on the twenty second and I REMEMBER MY DREAMS FROM YESTERDAY... phew. okay, super weird. i was in a house... not a new house, not my current house. i took some of my friends to look in the basement, which was giant! there were a few sets of stairs, all leading to dingy creepy rooms. we walked up one, and it led to a bedroom. the bedroom... i recognized it. ive seen it somewhere. i looked in the closet, while talking about it. it was a really average bedroom, pretty small, & dark. after talking about it for a minute, we went down the stairs, back into the main basement. i say its giant, but im not 100% sure, since majority of it was too dark to actually see anything. i pointed to a second set of wooden stairs, ones which looked like they would immediately collapse under your steps. i said something about wanting to check out that room, but never being allowed to. i swear something was moving around in the darkness. there was a door to the outside, just up a few stairs. thinking back on it, the overall layout made no sense... but i suppose it doesnt matter much. we went out the side door, and directly outside was a train. i stood on the tracks just as a train whizzed closer and closer, and as it passed, my body turned to jelly as it maneuvered around the speeding object, yet without moving my feet. it sped away, and i went back to normal. just past the tracks, there was a donut shop, or something. people were suddenly crowding around to get in, and i retreated back into my home. however, the door was no longer a door, it was a man. not a living one... a mannequin, perhaps? not 100% sure. he looked alive, but he moved like plastic. he was not a proper door, of course, and there was a lot of space between him and the frame. a cop was coming by, and i was trying to get it closed; i was scared of her. i didnt know why. i got it "closed" just in time, and she went off. that's about all i remember. weird basement, train, man door, police. anyways... i'm getting really tired. its 4AM now [took a little break] and i need my sleep.

sleep well, dream site, and anyone who can hear me.

twenty-fifth of june ; 2024

something hurts. something in the back of my mind hurts real bad, and i can't recall enough to remember why. all i can remember is a boy, and i can see blood when i think too much. i need to remember. i'm trying to hard i want to remember him i need to know what happened it all feel so familiar i see so much yet nothing at all. i'm so distraught i need to see him again i need to remember him

twenty-sixth of june ; 2024

sorry for the suddenness of yesterday's update. i don't know what got into me, i can barely remember what i was talking about! anyways, let me write about my past few dreams!

last night, i had a strange dream. i can't remember the first bit of it, but i remember that i met a guy on hinge, or something? and there was a ring option on the app, that just gave you a plastic cheap ring to propose with. so, i was gonna propose to this guy [i had met him no more than one time...] but he proposed first, whipping out the most elegant expensive ring known to man. and i was like, "here, i got this ring off hinge" and then i guess we were engaged? i dont even know. anyways, fast forward a bit of time, i'm walking home and i see my house is on fire. i rush inside to help, and flames are everywhere. i could hear someone screaming, so i ran down to the basement to check. to find the source, i reached into... a cookie box? pulled out every cookie, yelling "where are you?" and such. my grandpa walked out of another room, and i dropped the cookies to help him. everything went a little hazy after that, but i know that i pulled out majority of my belongings, and everyone was okay. i have no clue what the significance of any of this was... bleugh, whatever.

also, about the weird thing from yesterday, i DO remember that i also dreamed about letting some people pick from my assortment of shot glasses [i own none irl] and after saying "take your pick!" i swiped like fifteen off the table, saying "not these ones, though." i left three choices for the two people choosing. something... something about a boy, too, i guess. i kind of remember. it's super hazy, but i guess i wanted to remember, yesterday. it might've been important, but i don't remember enough to say if it truly was.

a few nights before was even stranger, honestly! june 23rd, to be clear. my notes were "dreamed about airport, old lady driving me somewhere to school and i had to tell her about my grades and summer school, sorting with gorillas and monster cans"... what?? well, thankfully i remember most of this one, so let me explain. in my first dream, i remember me and my family packing up, and getting ready to take a plane somewhere. we didn't have suitcases though, we were holding tons of moving boxes instead. we got to the part of the airport where they scan your boarding pass right before you get on, and it was super uneventful. literally just be and my brother getting ours scanned, dream ended. after that, my dream was me in the car with some old teacher, i was in the back seat and she was driving. she was asking me how i did in school, what my grades were like, what i was doing summer school for. i was desperate to get out of that damn car. now, about "gorillas and monster cans." haha, it's oddly self explanatory. me and my friends had to do some part time work, and it happened to be a factory full of gorillas. the gorillas were apparently very nice people, however they would get irrationally angry if you sorted things NOT color coded. before i started, i had to pack up my belongings, which happened to just be a ton of monster cans. i started putting them in a box, but then got frustrated, and started taking them all out to start again... i had thought they were empty, but when i picked them up again, half of them were half full & open, and poured monster all over my shirt. then, when i got up again, there was a HUGE beetle on the wall. like, bigger than a human's head. it was horrifying, just creeping along the wall. i started taking pictures, it was even more horrifying when i zoomed in on it... every detail was so,,, THERE. anyways, i woke up after that, methinks.

well, i think that's all i have to catch up on. sorry for the delays. a temporary goodbye to anyone who can hear me.

twenty-eighth of june ; 2024

i dreamed a LOT last night. i was trying to justify jaywalking, i think? talking about how if you were on a bike, and there were three tired professional cyclists coming, and a woman emptying a garbage bin who was very tired, and a mother with a stroller, and what kind of rube goldberg machine that would cause? and then to prove this theory, i got on my bike, and started a bike ride with my girlfriend and a boy who i havent seen since second grade, named liam. we were all just kind of biking around this rural area, and at some point there was a mother with a stroller who i had to swerve to avoid, and fell off my bike... eventually we finished, so liam's mom picked him up, and me and my girlfriend went back to my house. liam pulled up in his car while we stood at my door, and we awkwardly stared at each other, before his mom said "thanks for the bike ride!" and drove off. the dream just kind of ended there

next [or maybe before?] me and my girlfriend were in a grocery store, looking for a new dog bed for my dawg [whaat no way!] and at some point another friend of ours was there, while i was squishing some beds. my girlfriend just blatantly lied about being asian to this guy [i have no clue why.] and then after the friend left, she came crying to me about how the conversation ended awkwardly, so she had to go find them. so she left, and i continued to look through pillows/dog beds. it felt kind of like a superstore version of indigo, i dunno if that makes sense though.. anyways, i walked through some aisles, and i found a little box [like what you'd put a bunch of mystery boxes in in a store] and it had the hypmic logo on it. i climbed up on top of a scooter to reach it, but some mom with a little kid yelled at me, and her husband got it down for me. most of the box was stuffed with random stuff, but there was a kuko harai figure! he had long purple hair, and it was color changing- when you took him off his little stand, his hair would go back to the normal color, but on the stand, it went purple. he was wearing dragon-esque attire, i guess? i remember the figure being $10.45 exactly. i grabbed it, and took it to the front to pay, but the dream ended before i actually got to pay...

after that, i dreamed that i was getting married, i guess? i [16 M] was the bride. and also writing that like the beginning of a reddit AITA is a joke because i think the dream was the exact personal replica of a reddit story i had seen earlier, about a spoiled sister wanting to walk down the aisle at her sister's wedding. i basically had exactly that, but the dad was some angry italian mafia boss or something. and to enter the wedding, you walked through a convenience store. and ALSO, the wedding was GIANT. like, a thousand people. crazy!! i remember that my mom was trying to make me marry like four different guys, and i also remember messaging my girlfriend on steam saying "are you really gonna miss my wedding who i will divorce in like two days to steal half his assets & run away to live w u " and she told me she was busy... she was playing stardew valley. she spammed me with emojis and then went offline. also nobody knew i was actually the one getting married, because i had a light pink little shirt over my huge ass wedding dress. we did this weird activity where we lined up in rows of hundreds, 4 rows that each made one letter with their arms, spelling LOVE. it was kind of creepy, honestly! i cant remember much else from that dream.

the next one was WEIRD. i took a trip to somewhere in japan, and i was supposed to take videos to show how nice and polite the place was. i was there with my girlfriend, too. she was in almost all of these dreams! we were taking the train, and it was nice and quiet, with lots of open seats. the train stopped, and we went into the station, and walked up some stairs, which brought us into a school. the bell rang, and students filed out in single file lines, going down to the subway. it was eerie, robotic, yet a little nice. we filmed a few of the moments, and then went back into the subway. up another flight of stairs, and we ended up in a movie theater. where you bought snacks and tickets was a weird little bar, and we sat there to try to get tickets. we had $30 in cinema gift cards, but one ticket was $33. despite my girlfriend's disappointment, i said we didnt need to watch a movie today anyways. we left again, and the train was just beginning to pull away! i shouted at it, and it stopped for me. that was about it, really.

lastly, i had an exciting dream. one i know i've had in the past, though its past version was much longer, but i cant remember it any longer. i was in a box with another man. we had weapons and fantasy-esque attire, it was a fight to the death, one on one. my sword was weird, very wobbly..? a ten second count down began, i could see the blood lust in his eyes. he lunged at me at the 1 second mark. he was vicious, i dont even remember what weapon he held, because he preferred to use his bare hands. i was smacking at him with my wobbly sword, it left stinging, long cuts wherever it hit [very much akin to my own sh wounds. it was a little strange]. when i had gotten him quite tired out [he was "quite tired", meanwhile i had two degloved fingers and blood dripping from my eye from where he tried to gouge it out], he suddenly disappeared. i was confused, i smacked around thinking he was invisible or something. he had simply vanished. i assumed he went off to regenerate before it continued- completely unfair and against the rules, but a death was needed here, and no penalties were applicable. the cute little announcer girl came back onto the tv in the box, informed me that i had to find him to finish the duel, and the box fell apart to reveal the outside world once again. it ended there, but i know there was more to it, in the past. i know there was a reason he targetted my eye, an important reason. i know that he held a grudge against me, and that he needed me dead. i hope to dream about this again in the future, to regain my memories about him.

well, i think that was all for today. also for clarification i did sleep for like 15 hours, so no fucking wonder i dreamed so much!!! also it was horrid having fingers degloved while my mind was convincing me i could feel the pain. my mind was also totally turning on me though, cause i could feel HIS pain, too. gah, whatever. see you soon, to anyone who is listening.

thirtieth of june ; 2024

dreamed about my family going to some festival and my grandpa decided he did want to drive so we had to walk 8 hours in the middle of winter so after about 3 minutes I called my mom crying and she was so annoyed but decided to come pick up the 4 of us but then some demon or something impersonated my grandma but didn't look anything like her idk and then it's legs twisted all horrible and it was laughing and kicked my mom out of the car and it was like a comic book page very strange and bright and she made like . a leg come out of her ear and cackled when we looked horrified

well. i scribbled this down a bit ago [i THINK it was the thirtieth? but could have been the twenty ninth] and i do remember it being quite silly. heh. goodbye, to anyone who can hear me!

first of july ; 2024

in my dream from last night:: me, and three of my friends were at hot topic. they were selling pride flag lipstick, and my friend fetti got a lesbian flag one because it went on a rant about how underappreciated lesbians are and the cashier was like "no wonder they call you a faggot" and then i got one that was the normal rainbow and i put it on and kissed my girlfriend and she cried and wiped it on fetti's face

i also dreamed that i was a customer at some buffet, where julia and grace from american high shorts were working and also EJ & jeff & some other creepypasta men and a furry butler were all working. i was buying upgrades for julia and then like i went around the buffet line before i found the section with all the guys and it was weird because for the girls i bought food upgrades . but for the guys i bought like. an upgrade that was for EJ to get a nicer sweater

genuinely cant remember if there was anything else. strange! well, you know the drill- goodbye for now, anyone who is listening!

second of july ; 2024

i had a girlfriend named julia. i remember that. and we were like.. at a house? not mine, didn't look like mine. i was using red gamersupps as perfume [i have never had gamersupps in my life. i just recently saw the clip of someone asking schlatt why he sucked off the koolaid man after he was drinking gamersupps] and i was embarrassed about using it in such a way, so when my grandpa was trying to see what i was doing, i was super secretive about it. so, he assumed i was smoking, and yelled loudly "he's smoking!!!" and then me and julia were hiding in the bathroom, made about a thousand lit cigs spawn out of thin air and THREW them ALL at my grandpa. what the fuck??

i have. no words about that dream. goodnight, lurking listeners..!

third of july ; 2024

a lot from last night is fuzzy. i remember having to collect moths with smoke and ants, and spying on biden and trump flirting in a hot tub [i am canadian, btw!] but one part of my dream really stood out to me, had me shaking when i woke up. i was hearing that 'they' were dropping bombs. i don't know who 'they' is, but i remember being in a room surrounded by panicked people. one girl held her baby brother, on a call with family from elsewhere. they told her our city was being bombed, any second now. everyone in the room was panicking. we scattered, running about. we didn't know where to run, but we were desperate to get away. i felt the wave of air, it knocked me to the ground. i was in a graveyard. the heat of the bomb was melting my body. i was being melted, and torn apart. my body was being smudged like ink, onto the ground. i looked up, at a statue in front of me. unphased by the bomb, a statue of christ stood tall. i reached towards the plaque, reading "in christ we trust". i was scared, so scared. in my final moments, i looked towards a god, desperate for an afterlife, desperate for something to move onto. i didn't want it to end there. the remainder of my body was lost to heat and impact. everyone was. i saw it from an outside perspective for a split second before awaking. it was absolutely horrifying.

death scares me, an irrational amount. i don't want my thoughts and memories lost to time. i want... i need something to look up to, i need hope of something more. i cannot find myself believing in christ, or any mainstream religion. i enjoy the concept of LOGIC, honestly. but... i dont know. vincent fennell's theory of universe birth is also quite soothing. i just need more people to talk it through with, to know it is not just me believing in such things, maybe.

sorry for going off topic. goodnight, to anyone who may hear my cries.

fifth of july ; 2024

i dreamed about these two cutie patootie pies . one was a pouty they/he magic guy who enjoyed adventure and the other was a young girl who he OBVIOUSLY liked i mean they even kissed at some point but it was never addressed but uh magic guy had this little box that he could roll around and make other like. rooms/passages just appear? and i dont know what their goal was but they just kinda kept taking people through these various rooms umm i remember like. there were various ways you could get from one room to the next but one wrong roll and you'd end up back at the beginning umm also at one point he was in front of this king type guy who was obviously SO done with their shit and they stuck rebellion and prosperity in a box to see "who would win!" and the king was like "youre just fucking rigging it" and sure enough yes rebellion won and prosperity went to shit but he was like "hmm i feel like theres more in the box" and shook it around and out until they saw another passage through it so reached a whole arm through and contorted their whole body to fit through one tiny ass box and the whole dream was just like that. the two trying to advance to the ending but fucking up a lot

i also had a dream where i was stuck in a roblox game full of npcs with the avatars of my friends so i was desperate to find ones that were actually them but i couldnt. and then at some point romero and freyr joined the game and we were having this like. really poetical discussion about the afterlife. so i climbed a giant ass tree and killed myself in front of them like "i guess we'll find out!!!!!"

that's all for now, though i feel that there is more i cannot remember. thank you, to anyone listening. see you again soon

ninth of july ; 2024

had a dream where i watched a bunch of guys diving into a pool and moist critikal was there and when his hair is wet it's like super smooth and weird and he made a youtube video ranting about how he looked so greasy after it got wet

twentieth of july ; 2024

i dreamed that i forced kaelyn to come to an amusement park with me and they got laughed at by half of our junior high class. they stood there laughing at them cause they were with me so really it was me being laughed at ithink. anyways it was only $10 to get into the amusement park!!! and the alien guy at the front desk was the same from another dream i had it was cool. and then i got trapped on a firetruck midair with some other random man and eventually i got locked in some little place cause i wasn't acting right. and i was eating the meat of a giant mosquito. also me and the random guy on top we had to befriend the tree people and i found the double red keys before the dream ended which was upsetting. tree people in the ground!! locked up and they were shaped like roblox avatars. and also the people took Jessica cause i was too in love with her i think. Also i was a fully grown man in this dream.

firefly dressed like Santa, horrified [i jotted this down a while ago, i have no clue what this means anymore]

twenty-first of july ; 2024

library, Julia wanted to sign out a book with 840 pages but needed to do a full essay on it, used chat gpt & had like 400 pages of an easy, i was helping her to make it her own words. some guy was there who i was told was like a younger sister to me. Julia gave up on the essay we walked around to leave and did a few loops and heard some boys talking "meet me outside" "can't we just wait till basketball?" "basketball? no. you never learn. " etc i expected punches to be thrown but no. 4 boys got on the ground head to head and transformed into puzzle pieces. slammed heads, puzzle pieces broke. transformed back & two guys were knocked out i went over to some of my friends who were playing a game where one person steps on someone foot, the one stepped on takes a shovel& hits who they think did it. girl who was not in that round took shovel& slammed guy's shins ! "i win!" we walked back to get to the room where you load all the equipment away and it was just about to close. it was hidden behind a mirror in the bathroom? i put away a basketball and the shovel, and sat on some net with barry and fetti. Barry was telling me they WERE shen qingqiu and i was like "no u aren't lol?" and then i went on about how shen jiu & shen yuan were not the same person despite being the same

twenty-second of july ; 2024

last night in my dream i almost got hit by a bus. it was one of the buses attached to a line at the top not the bottom . u know. but instead of like normal it was like REALLY high off the ground like a few feet and i dont think thats normal at least. 'isnt that a train' it was a bus . in my dream it was a bus because i almost got hit by a train BEFORE amost getting hit by the bus

thirtieth of july ; 2024

my dream last night was so strange. i remember being in some kind of underground kingdom, where we had to vote on the leadership we wanted and all. however, people could just murder you if you didnt share the same ideals as them. also, the economy was really fucked. originally, it ran on coins, which was growing so high by the day as the underground ran out of resources. they started using gems to barter with, but everyone had so little of them, it was really hard. [side note, im pretty sure the ruler of this place was literally marie from p5t?] i had found a strange gate a while back, and i figured if i broke through that, there would be more than this closed off place. [also, i was not aware it was underground.] me & erina from p5t were working towards our own type of leadership [also this was weird that there was a voting system at all since marie ruled. like this was not p5t lore accurate it just used the characters' faces i suppose.] i was trying to buy materials to help me plan my escape, but i knew my leadership had to win before i could abandon all the people, since they would not follow if i left on my own. but as the voting was finally happening, my leadership was in a tie with marie. so, i was effectively assassinated to push everyone to vote for her! it restarted. this time, we won. i was right at the gate, with materials to break through. someone disagreed, i was effectively put down on the spot. it restarted! over and over and over. there was no real way to escape, because if everyone did not work together, it was impossible. a few times, we got the gate open. past it, there was so many obstacles to traverse, and a steep climb to work through. it was impossible alone, as i had suspected. so, on top of it being rare to win the vote, i still had to convince people that we could actually pass through the gate and leave. if i didn't die here, i'd die trying to pass the obstacles alone. at some point, everything was perfect, we could get out. everyone was ready to work together. we broke through the gate with a giant rock, we used the rock and the shoulders of each other to pass the climb. some people gave up, some could not go on. we pressed forward. finally, there was light. fresh air hit my nose, so used to the musky atmosphere of the underground. a giant, mechanical-esque worm with the legs of a horse flew up in front of us. it applauded our effort, seemed thrilled we were finally able to do it. it ended, but it was not over. i watched more generations of the underground go through the exact same thing, over and over and over! new people each time. it was no more than an experiment, testing teamwork and the human mind. it was horrid. some groups were rebellious, and managed to escape with no more than a few people and a handful of gems. it made me angry that i put forth so much effort. some people never even found the gate, and lived their lives happily in ignorance. it was infuriating. each time, that worm horse thing had a new scenery to greet the escapees with. a slightly differing appearance. nobody ever truly escaped! we never really saw the sun, or breathed fresh air! it was all for naught. perhaps the real world is about the same

sorry for such a late update. please continue to listen

fourth of august ; 2024

dream where me n my mom went to drive to my dad's to get $10 but my dad wasnt home so i went to leave and there were these super cute round birds sleeping in the grass and i tried to take pictures and then i went back to my mom and one of the birds flew into the car and slept on the main console and my mom brushed it away and then i hopped in the car and looked out the window and then suddenly there were multiple deer, bears, glowing house cats, birds, etc etc. and then the bears started running after the car and my mom reversed to fast but the bears were faster but then they got distracted like 2 seconds before reaching the car

fifth of august ; 2024

had a dream where Heather Chandler was making slushies in the afterlife. and also a dream where me fetti and rae went somewhere and people were pouring water in sidewalk cracks n shit and weird stuff was happening and there was a children's art contest and texas was there and he showed me his drawing of a minecraft cat while absolutely enraged thst he didn't win [the contest was for under 13] and i went back to fetti to talk abt how weird it was and he appeared out of nowhere and accused us of saying horrible things about him and a group of teachers came out of nowhere to talk shit about fetti

sixth of august ; 2024

dream where i was with family and i was trying to park a motorcycle but it couldn't go backwards for some reason and then i found 2 dogs in a ice thing and i cried until people showed up to help and then the animal control guy knocked over a grape juice in a vending machine and said we could keep the Dawgs so we did and also just around the corner my dad was making dinner

eighth of august ; 2024

dream of these spiders that were very small but when attacked they extended a shit ton. grew giant. horrid

tenth of august ; 2024

i dreamed that me & my dad & his girlfriend were camping or something? but it was weird . and we were probably going to be attacked or something nd i remember like. at some point a fire... umm my dad doing his will... and also a dream where i was auditioning for who knows what and they made me sing heavy metal and still accepting me

fifteenth of august ; 2024

Dream where i was veronica & i was going to this party, like a biiig party so i bring jd as my plus one or whatever and also im not sure why but i was wearing Kurt's jacket and jd came up to me and was like 'what's this?' with a condescending smirk and i shrugged and just walked into the party and at some point everyone was kinda split up cause jd was saying something and umm there was a swamp and half the people went inside and jd unlocked the door 110% so it was TOO unlocked making it relock a slight bit so it couldn't be opened. and umm then some guy who i guess was my brother? like wasn't Veronica's brother it was my irl brother but not in the dream. and he was on a scooter and jd "aaaccidentally" tripped him and he flew off the stairs and hit his head on a glass wall and died on impact ! everyone FREAKED out and suddenly everything was havoc. the other half of the party who was locked outside had gotten in the door on the other side of the house, they were not yet aware of the madness going on, so they came right over, walked right into their own demise. JD pulled out a gun, he started shooting. nobody could escape, cause the nearest exit was locked, and not enough people were present to get lost in a crowd! eeveryone was dropping dead. I made a run for it, and eventually i was upstairs with quite a few people. i explained that this was probably my fault, and if i was dead, maybe he would stop. not guaranteed, but it was worth a shot. my logic was he was there to kill everyone and prove a point to me, so if he had accidentally killed me in all the madness, he would stop. he asked a girl where i was as he was about to kill her, and she told him i was dead. he was shocked, and didnt kill her, instead running to ask more people where i [veronica] was . when everyone either said they didnt know or taht i was dead, sure enough, he had stopped, his only intention being to find me. i was the only one who knew how he had locked the exit, so i got it open and helped people escape. everyone piled into cars and fled, and when everyone was gone [injured had been taken as well, and dead bodies] i went in to see jd . he saw me, and laughed. 'i knew i didn't shoot you. i've got a pretty good eye, you know' and such and we talked and fought and he kissed me and i said 'people will report you' and he said 'there wasn't supposed to be anyone left to do that' and the dream basically ended there